He was so calm in the water, he almost fell asleep. He might have, too if I hadn't accidentally and suddenly plunged him into the water. Whoops. Mom of the Year. He's like a bar of soap when you get him wet. After the initial shock of being forsaken and abused by his young and inexperienced mother, he was again on his back splashing around as if to say, "I remember this watery feeling, but it was a lot less roomy and there were no old men in Speedos to contend with."
This was right before he was accidentally submerged (see video below)
Tired after a long swim
Next week, the butterfly stroke
FUN! I miss you.
super funny video! i have a video where tipsy attacks kendall--mom of the year!
Love it. And I think we agree that time in the water is essential for the little ones ;). Love that your tackling it already!
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